Category: Atheist Organizations

American Atheists’ poor communication furthers negative stigma of atheists

American Atheists, the largest organization representing atheists in the United States, has a problem with its officials and affiliates resorting to foul language and insults when communicating with the public.

This poor communication only furthers negative stigma against atheists struggling to be accepted in society and also shines a poor light on the organization itself.

Outspoken atheist Justin Vacula attempted to communicate on Twitter with a number of individuals affiliated with American Atheists. Instead of engaging with Vacula in a civil manner, or simply ignoring him, they resorted to insulting him.

In one discussion an American Atheists state director called Vacula many degrading terms and finished with, “Die mad about it, f**ko.” (Screenshots available upon request).

Vacula attempted to engage with American Atheists’ Communications Director who did not respond to his comment and instead resorted to calling him a “notorious misogynist” and saying “it must suck to be him.”

American Atheists’ Pennsylvania state director retweeted Vacula and made the sexual remark, “I am going to jack off to this tweet.”

In other discussions Vacula was insulted by podcasters that were featured as an exhibitor at recent annual conference. The organization retweeted these podcasters on its official Twitter account multiple times during the event even after being informed about their sexual comments.

One of the podcasters called Vacula a “little b**ch” who has a “small d*ck.”

Another podcaster chimed in and said, “I’m going to use your tears for lube. Keep crying little man.”

Despite Vacula tagging American Atheists on Twitter to draw attention to their representatives and speakers’ concerning communication, the organization did not comment and continued to feature them in their conference.

Later the organization posted pictures on its social media of these same people smiling at its conference like they are wonderful individuals to present to the public.

Further, in 2017 American Atheists’ leadership suddenly fired executive director, David Silverman, for alleged sexual misconduct. The organization’s unwillingness to act regarding recent sexual comments makes the accusation of “sexual misconduct” against Silverman appear to be a ruse.

The poor communication overlooked by American Atheists’ leadership is a blight to atheists in the United States and all over the world. Atheists are struggling to be accepted in society while at the same time having to deal with negative stigmas of atheists created by organizations like American Atheists.

On a final note, it is known that American Atheists has been struggling with maintaining membership and gaining public support. Promoting individuals that resort to insults rather than discussion is another sign of the organization’s demise.

Further comment.. From my perspective as manager of Atheists We Are, a project I started to share what atheist organizations are doing, this behavior poses a challenge for me because I do not want to promote people who resort to insulting and making sexual remarks. These comments are not from random members, they are from representatives of the organization. After reflecting on this, I will not be promoting American Atheists.

A glance at new atheist blogging platform OnlySky Media

A new atheist blogging platform, known as OnlySky Media, propped up in early 2022 to serve as a community space for atheists.

I first got wind of OnlySky from Hemant Mehta after he mentioned he was leaving the blogging platform Patheos. An article was released soon after from Religion News Service that explained Patheos had asked its atheist bloggers to focus more on discussing life issues from an atheist perspective rather than focus on politics and targeting religion.

Many of the atheist bloggers were not keen on the new direction Patheos wanted to go in, so they decided to leave the platform and switch over to new platform OnlySky.

I could understand Patheos’ new direction. I was actually surprised Patheos kept Hemant Mehta on their platform as long as they did when he has developed one of the most hateful followings I know of in the atheist arena. His content and following did clash with the image of spirituality and tolerance that Patheos had developed.

While OnlySky’s website notes it is a space for all atheists, the published content suggests otherwise. Many published posts focus on mundane left-leaning topics that can be found from practically any other atheist organization or platform that has become a left wing haven, such as social justice, LGBT, abortion, criticizing Republicans, etc. It does not look like a welcoming space to atheists conservatives, or atheists who generally are over current social left trends.

Based on looking at its social media following, it does not look to have really taken off. Its most popular blogger is Hemant Mehta, while the others are less known.

I would reach out to OnlySky to see what kind of collaboration options they offer, but honestly, I have grown so weary of left wing atheists that I do not have the motivation to attempt to work with them. I have wasted hours of my time in the past to try to work with left leaning atheists to no avail.

Side note, I reached out to Patheos and inquired about being a secular blogger on their platform. They actually did respond to me with interest, but I could not commit to their schedule of submitting a blog.

If OnlySky, or their bloggers, ever reach out to me or any other conservative atheist, I will be surprised.

Lauren Ell
President and Founder
Atheists We Are

Photo source: OnlySky.Media

Here are five new atheist organizations that recently emerged

Here are four new US-based atheist organizations that emerged within the last few months.

Atheists We Are iconAtheists We Are

Mission: Atheists We Are is an organization focused on showcasing atheist individuals, atheist organizations and atheist news

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Atheists United for Israel

Mission: Atheists United for Israel is an organization representing atheists who support the country of Israel.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram


Atheist MomsAtheist Moms

Mission: Atheists Moms provides a community for moms who are atheist.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram


Atheists for LibertyAtheists for Liberty

Mission statement: Atheists for Liberty is an educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting for and sustaining individual rights and the separation of religion & government. We work to defend the fundamental freedoms that support the human quest for knowledge.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram


International Association of AtheistsInternational Association of Atheists

Mission: International Association of Atheists will focus on bringing evidence-based education to theocratic countries, ending blasphemy laws, supporting atheists in danger and providing tools for the atheist business owner.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

Photo by Juhasz Imre from Pexels

Atheists We Are iconAtheists We Are is an organization focused on showcasing atheist individuals, atheist organizations and atheist news. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Atheist organizations that should be labeled atheist humanist

There are a number of organizations that are often mislabeled “atheist” organizations. When looking closer at these organizations, many of them are affiliated with promoting a doctrine known as humanism, therefore a more correct label for them would be “atheist humanist” organizations.

Why does this matter? This matters because not all atheists identify as humanists. Humanism is a doctrine that people must read about to apply it to themselves. It is important that individuals are aware when an organization is connected to a doctrine such as humanism, and that the general public is aware that the organizations are actually promoting atheist humanist ideology.

Here are “atheist humanist” organizations that often promote themselves as atheist organizations.

  • American Atheists

American Atheists’ Wikipedia page lists the organization’s purpose as, “Promote atheism and secular humanism; oppose religion in the public sphere.”

  • Secular Student Alliance

Secular Student Alliance’s Wikipedia page states, “The Secular Student Alliance (SSA) is a US-American educational nonprofit organization whose purpose is to educate high school and college students about the value of scientific reason and the intellectual basis of secularism in its atheistic and humanistic manifestations.”

  • Atheist Alliance International

On Atheist Alliance International’s Wikipedia page, it is noted that, “AAI continues to assist the Kasese School in Western Uganda. This is a humanist school that provides secular education in a remote area of the country.”

In this blog titled, “This Ugandan School Dares To Offer Humanist, Evidence-Based Curriculum – Here’s How You Can Help,” humanism is blatantly promoted.

  • International Association of Atheists

In a blog published by International Association of Atheists, a statement noted, “In just one week, you have given us over $5000 and 105 proud members of this global humanist organization.”

There are other organizations that are often labeled “atheist” and are connected to humanism, such as Secular Coalition for America and Freedom From Religion Foundation. Atheists We Are ultimately does not view those organizations as “atheist” organizations, but rather separation of church and state organizations, therefore we do not include them in organizations that apply to our audience.

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