Tag: Atheist profile

Atheist profile: Thomas Bear in Texas

Name: Thomas Bear

Location: Austin, Texas

How long have you identified as atheist? 20+ years

Do you come from a religious background? If so, which religion? Yes, the Methodist strain of Christianity.

Which music are you usually listening to? Either hardcore or atheist hip-hop & rap.
Parkway Drive – “Crush.” Link.
Tombstone da Deadman. Link.

What is your favorite movie and why? The Boondock Saints ~ I feel quite a connection to anti-hero types, such as the MacManus of Boondock Saints, or Frank Castle aka The Punisher.

If you could travel somewhere, where would it be and why? Scotland. I’d love to see the beauty of Scotland, land of my ancestors, in person.

Please share details about your background, such as your personal beliefs, family, interests, etc. I’m a Nullifidian Humanist, Atheist Day ATX 2019 Co-organizer, Austin Atheists Helping the Homeless volunteer, Novice Graphic Design Hobbyist. All my links including a link to the Atheist Day ATX 2019 event can be found here.

Thank you for sharing Thomas.

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Atheist profile: Edwin Herbert in Wisconsin

Name: Edwin Herbert

Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA

How long have you identified as atheist? Approximately 40 years.

Do you come from a religious background? If so, which religion? Lutheran.

Which music are you usually listening to? Classic rock.

What is your favorite movie and why? O Brother, Where Art Thou? – funniest movie I’ve ever seen.

If you could travel somewhere, where would it be and why? Greece and Italy – for their historic significance.

Please share details about your background, such as your personal beliefs, family, interests, etc. I think it’s unlikely Jesus even existed – and certainly not as written in the gospels. I’ve written a novel entitled “Mythos Christos” under the pen name Edwin Herbert which entails my reasons for this mythicism in the form of a historical suspense. Now that my kids are all grown and moved away, I have time to write a sequel, which I am ever so slowly working on. I also work as an optometrist.

Thank you for sharing Edwin.

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Atheist profile: Jillian Becker in California

Name: Jillian Becker

Location: Bay Area, California

How long have you identified as atheist? Since I was seven and first knew what the word meant

Do you come from a religious background? If so, which religion? No. None. But I was sent to an Anglican boarding school.

Which music are you usually listening to? Baroque, Classical.

What is your favorite movie and why? Some Like It Hot (Funny), Being There (Satirical), Casablanca (Brilliant)

If you could travel somewhere, where would it be and why? I’ve done all the traveling I want to do.

Please share details about your background, such as your personal beliefs, family, interests, etc. Libertarian-Conservative. Literary. 3 daughters, 3 grandsons, 3 granddaughters, 1 great-grandchild on the way. I manage the blog The Atheist Conservative, one of the first blogs providing an atheist conservative perspective. For more information about me visit my Wikipedia listing here (shorter biography) and Infogalactic listing here (longer biography).

Thank you for sharing Jillian.

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Atheist profile: Lauren Ell in Sweden and Southern California

Name: Lauren Ell

Location: Sweden/Southern California

How long have you identified as atheist? Over 15 years

Do you come from a religious background? If so, which religion? Yes, Christian.

Which music are you usually listening to? Post-punk, electronic, ambient. I like New Order, Depeche Mode, Interpol, The Cure, Pet Shop Boys, etc. Anything with synth really.

What is your favorite movie and why? Big Fish. I love the colorful imagery and theatrical characters throughout the movie. I also like the concept that a little bit of imagination can be applied to reality. I have had a crush on Ewan McGregor ever since I saw that movie!

If you could travel somewhere, where would it be and why? I would like to travel Italy’s coastline. I watch a Youtube channel regularly by a woman who lives in Positano, Italy (called “The Positano Diaries”) and it looks so beautiful and relaxing. The food looks great too!

Please share details about your background, such as your personal beliefs, family, interests, etc. I was raised in Southern California in what I call a secular Christian household. I was taught that Jesus Christ is son of God, but my family did not attend church regularly, and also did not read the Bible or pray. I became atheist at 18 and stepped up more as an atheist speaker after I felt established atheist organizations did not represent me well as an atheist. I have launched the organizations Republican Atheists, Atheists Moms, Christian Atheist Society, Atheists We Are and Atheists United for Israel. I relocated to Sweden in 2016 to live with my Swedish partner. We currently have one daughter and another baby on the way. I hope to move back to the US within the next five years, I miss the US a lot!

Thank you for sharing Lauren.

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Atheist profile: Lucius Kapahs in North Carolina

Name: Lucius Kapahs

Location: Asheville, North Carolina

How long have you identified as atheist? 12-13 years

Do you come from a religious background? If so, which religion? Yes, Southern Baptist.

Which music are you usually listening to? Hip hop/Rap, Classic Rock, Metal

What is your favorite movie and why? Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. I like the idea of being able to erase memories from past situations that are traumatizing.

If you could travel somewhere, where would it be and why? I’d love to be able to travel outside of the Earth. At least to the International Space Station. But the Moon would be the dream. Mars. Just for a different perspective of our home planet and the opportunity to scientifically observe other places besides the planet on which I was born.

Please share details about your background, such as your personal beliefs, family, interests, etc. I’m a humanistic atheist. I do my best to share better with others than what I’ve experienced and, at the very least, not to cause harm to anyone, including other species, outside of myself. Sometimes I self describe as “Laveyan Satanist” just to mess with the religious zealots. Most of my family are religious and have therefore ostracized me. My interests are vast. Music, writing lyrics, all of science. I’ve studied mycology for almost 25 years. I love animals and would have liked to be a veterinarian. I have 4 dogs myself. They are my babies/my children. Love reading. Fiction and nonfiction. And always learning something new.

Thank you for sharing Lucius.

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